Energy Saving Solutions - FREE LED Lighting Retro-fits - SAVE Cash on your electric bill - Let me tell you how I can Help YOU!

Hello from Chris Pelton at Energy Saving Solutions,
Energy Saving Solutions is in the business of saving your company money by retrofitting your current HIGH ENERGY lighting with highly efficient LED lights. There are many benefits, -- but the biggest benefit of all is ABSOLUTELY ZERO OUT OF POCKET COST FOR YOUR COMPANY. Your company benefits from an IMMEDIATE POSITIVE CASH FLOW FROM ENERGY SAVINGS monthly! 

Many well-known companies are taking advantage of this, saving millions of dollars per year on their energy costs (Chili's Franchise for examples-42stores)-with better lighting by simply retrofitting/changing out their current inefficient lights to LED or Plasma lighting. We can handle all aspects of your companies lighting requirements from interior office, shop, and showroom lighting to exterior high overhead garage and parking lot usage.

The install/retrofit is quick and painless! ULTIMATELY after our initial meeting, we would get 12 month electric bill and LAMP AUDIT form filled out by myself or the building’s engineer or maintenance person. Once we have these things we can get you a proposal within as soon as possible. From there with proposal in hand, or send it by email, we have a conference call to close. Once contract is signed we will send an electrical/lighting engineer, at our expense, to the property to verify the audit and begin the retrofit, also at our expense.  It's a win win situation.  You WILL save a substantial amount of money, not to mention possibly being eligible for a one time $100,000.00 tax credit (its about .60/ft)!  
This program will ultimately reduce expenses and ADD money to your bottom line, which will transform your business from a cost center into a profit center. – it is easy and is worth exploring.... not to mention going green for the environment.

Additional information regarding our program can be found at

I would like to set up a ten minute meeting to give you more details on how we can help your company's bottom line with this simple - zero out of pocket program. Please let me know what date and time is best for you.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. 
I am in the Rochester,NY area (you can be located anywhere) and will follow up with a phone call with in the next one to two business days. I look forward to hearing from you... And REMEMBER, there is NO COST to YOU!  Its free!  Hard to believe? View our website and the pics below... Call me now, and give me 10 minutes of your time.

Thank you,
Christopher Pelton, Regional VP-East Coast
PS- We just put in a counter and got 263 views in 3 hours, thx guys!

    GO GREEN !